Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Torture Tuesday

I weighed myself today, I have gained one pound from yesterday, how is that even possible.  I immediately put on pants with a zipper and waist band as punishment, take that fat, no more drawstring pants for you!

 I started the morning off by polishing off the Sea Salt Dark chocolate because who can have that just laying around with a clear conscience.  I am proud of myself for taking a stand against the chocolate and consuming it so it can no longer tempt me with its rich brown color and enticing aroma (per the Lindt Master Swiss Chocolatier description).  I am now officially ready for the first day of the rest of my life to begin...  For such a bold statement, it seems as if something more dramatic should happen; instead of reading the Lindt packaging and having the waist band of your pants digging into your flesh. 

The treadmill sits in the corner of the room with its collection of dust bunnies taunting me.  I guess today is the day that I will get on the treadmill, as it has been a few months.  My idea of working out on the treadmill, is to read a good book while in the process.  I was born on this planet without a competitive bone in my body, I am not competitive with myself or others.  I never get upset when I lose a board game or if I'm the last one picked for a team sport.  I am like a jigsaw puzzle that takes you months to complete, only to find one miserable piece missing.  The condition is rather tragic...

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