Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Turtle and the Hare

I have a 5K race coming up this Saturday; I know shocking right, when I have the missing "competitive" puzzle piece that I have mentioned before.  But did you know these 5K's come with 3 free beer tabs located on your very own bib!  How fantastic is that?!  And at the end there is music and food, wow!  Had I  known about the free beer and music I would have been participating in 5K's for years. 

The first one was a real eye opener.  My husband the real runner in the family, gets placed in the first corral (as determined by his estimated time to finish).  My estimated time to finish (considering I would be walking, with a book if I could but apparently that is frowned upon) at a much slower pace, was placed in the farthest back corral with the geriatrics, strollers filled with babies and other miscellaneous sort.  My 11 year old son, was kind enough to participate with his mother and was also in the back corral.  I laminated with my son how thrilled I was that we would be doing  this together, that we could catch up, chit chat, share stories (as him texting on his cell phone during a race was also frowned upon) so this could be a win, win situation.  Mother and son bonding time, how great is that! 

There was a lot of standing around and waiting for the gun shot for this last corral, as each corral has their own send off.  It was finally our turn!  In my head I stored up a couple of funny family stories I planned on sharing with my son, as there would be no distractions for him to plug into.  As the gun sounded off and I began my leisurely brisk pace, I felt a brush along my right shoulder and a puff of air only to  see my 11 year old son whiz past me in a stream of blue shorts and grey tank his race bib bouncing up and down like a greyhound after a mechanical rabbit.  "Wait!", I yell as my leisurely brisk pace turns into a full out run, "but I have stories", I pant.  My son is already around the first bend and I can no longer see him.

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